Property Management Blog

Owner Agreement & Additional Services

I want to take some time today to talk about our management agreement and our additional services. By now, hopefully, you've watched all of our other videos that talk about different aspects of our pricing, our company, our strategy, our competitive advantage, what makes us unique in the marketplace, how we handle our tenants and so forth. 

Management Agreement (Click to Review)

Hopefully, you've had the opportunity to look at all of those and now it's time to move into the management agreement. We are 100% committed to transparency and that's why everything is located on our website and I want to do these videos.

This management agreement is a written, binding document, that we put in place, primarily because that's what the state of Utah requires that we do when we're managing real property, but also because it's important that we outline our expectations and what we expect to gain and do for one another

Okay, now there's really kind of two sides to this owner agreement. One is we are outlining our obligation to adhere to Utah State law; habitability laws, tenant rights, tax implications, and so forth. That's the all of the legal stuff but also what we intend to do and how we are going to approach the management and maintenance of your property, and how we're going to handle the funds and our accounting procedures. So this document is really important to outline what you can expect from us an what we can expect from you. 


Additional Services (Click to Review)

  The next thing is understanding maintenance. We have pricing on our website that hopefully, you have already familiarized yourself with, This pricing, we feel like is all-encompassing of everything that you would need for a good property management company to manage your property successfully. So, we feel like what we've put out there and what we've offered is sufficient however we do get requests for certain items that are more or less ala carte or add-on or additional services. Now, these vary just because they're in this document that does not mean we are limited to that. It just means that if there's something that you see that we are not offering but that is important to you please let us know because we are able to customize this for you.

The additional services are not intended to nickel and dime or to add a bunch of extra fees. They are just things that you may want to be paying attention to help protect the property that isn't really typical of the day to day property management scope of work. 

So again, I just wanted to recap the importance of our management agreement. It's fully transparent. Everything is on our website. Please take the time to review it and reach out to us. Ask me if you have any questions and/or need specific details.