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How Can You Create a Tenant Noise Complaint Letter?

How Can You Create a Tenant Noise Complaint Letter?

Statistically, only about ten percent of tenants ever become bad ones. This could be a tenant who does renovations without consent or brings in a large pet behind your back. However, it's difficult to deal with problems like noise complaints if you're never around to hear them.

Drafting a tenant noise complaint letter is one of the best ways to approach this. You can outline some complaints you've received and how best to navigate the issue.

Here's some information on what counts as a noise complaint and how to deal with loud tenants in Salt Lake City.

What Counts As a Valid Noise Complaint?

It's important to understand what actually counts as a valid reason for a noise complaint. Too often, renters will complain about things like mowing the lawn or throwing a small gathering. These are not necessarily problems that require your attention.

Instead, pay attention to more valid concerns like loud pets or a renter blasting music. In fact, noise complaints are one of the main reasons why pets may not be allowed on a rental property.

How to Resolve Noise Complaints

If you have had noise complaints from some of your tenants, it's your job to handle them. How you do so will depend on the situation, though.

First and foremost, you need to act quickly. Check with the other neighbors and tenants to verify the noise claim.

Next, you'll want to look into the cause of the noise complaints. If the tenants haven't spoken to the perpetrator, you may be able to solve the whole issue with a simple conversation.

A problematic renter may require a mediator or even a local authority figure to deal with. In a worst-case scenario, you may be facing an eviction case.

If you can't get in touch with the tenant, then that's when you send them a tenant noise complaint letter.

How to Create a Tenant Noise Complaint Letter

The best form of communication between a tenant and landlord is in writing. That way, you have physical evidence of the communication just in case an attorney comes into play.

A good letter should contain some of the alleged tenant problems as noted by their neighbors. Outline some of the rules of your rental properties, such as what counts as excessive noise levels.

With your first letter, make it clear that the recipient of your letter is not yet in trouble or has to pay a fine. However, you do want them to know that any further violations may result in actions such as an eviction.

Alternatively, you could always rely on your property management company to handle any tenant complaints on your behalf.

Handle Noise Complaints Like a Pro

Like any tenant complaint, you should take the time to verify the claim and see if there's any truth to it. Once you have enough information, you can write out an official tenant noise complaint letter for the renter in question. You'll also want to make sure that they actually receive it.

Utah Property Solutions can help you manage your properties in Salt Lake City, Utah, while you focus on your day job. Contact us to learn about our services and how we can help your investments thrive.